Gene won't admit his feelings... but is he really the one who's fighting the most denial? T for adult themes; no lemon or even lime.
Gene's difficulties in one relationship spawn awkwardness in another. T to be safe for dirty words and "suggestive themes." Gene/Missus with iffy Gene/Sam.
Ted's not the only one who can tell a good story. The safest way to expose all the dirt on your friends (and especially the dirt on yourself) is to wait until you're already dead. Duh. Legendary fun from Barney's point of view! M rating for possible future chapters; first is T.
Sam has an awkward favor to ask of Annie. He gets a lot more than he bargained for. Rated M for good reason, but follow instructions and you can cut it down to T. Might have more chapters later which will probably have similar content.
Sam gets a look at two very different sides of Gene Hunt. Then he has to carefully work out which parts are real and decide what to do about it. Sam/Gene, slash, M for non-con, lemon. (Has a happy ending, though it starts out very dark.)
Picks up after Fonzie Loves Pinkie and takes a few twists away from the show plot. Fluff. Doesn't have to be slash, but definitely blurs the lines. M rating because Fonzie got into mischief, as expected...
Wesley has just had a traumatic experience and Spike can relate. Maybe he can do more. One-shot; takes place right after the episode "Lineage." Wesley/Spike