

  • a series of events

    Imagine this, your dad just died and because your mum can't support you she moves you halfway around the world to live with an auntie you've never met before you start getting bullied and to make matters worse you find out your whole life has been a HUGE lie, we'll that's exactly what's happened to Izabell Knight, Belly has to face the highs and lows of life how will she cope?

  • Stalker

    Indie-Anna Spencer is a beautiful intelligent 16 year old girl, she is a new student at St Hearts and all seems fine. Until she realises she has a stalker, and this stalker wants to do a lot more than just stalk her. cover photo is Marny Kennedy, Indie-Anna in the story. Pairings: Dan&Keri Tom&Indie-Anna also Tom&Aneisha.

  • Texas meets new york

    When Jessie's 3rd cousins Kendal and Sophie visit for the summer holidays things get a little bit heated between Kendal and Luke (in more ways than one) and there is a little bit of competition between Emma and Sophie, the sisters are instantly disliked by Emma Zuri Ravi and Luke could it be a case of jealousy or just a bit of Texas vs New York competition? Luke&Kendal k to b safe

  • mi high in AUSTRALIA

    St hearts finally goes on a major trip to AUSTRALIA, thanks to Keri and her fun facts, the Team have so much fun meet lots of celebs see amazing places and have the time of their life, they meet Keri's other sisters and her best friend Trina who's school also goes to Aussie and stays in the same hotel, AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI.

  • mi high 5 sisters one mind

    zoe comes back yay! keri and zoe go to save their sisters from the master mind but little do they know that its a trap the mastermind wants all five of them, their is a bit of romance between dan and Keri sorry to all the Zan fans.