

  • The St Valentine's Day Massacre

    In the post-A Million Sherds universe, Deanna Troi and Beverly Crusher want to make sure that the ship's most famous couple - Will Riker and Jean-Luc Picard - don't ignore the traditions of St Valentine's Day, including the ship's Valentine's Day Ball. Will Riker is still in recovery from PTSD. This story occurs after A Horn for All Your Songs and A Frame of Living Wood.

  • A Frame of Living Wood

    A disagreement with Jean-Luc sends Will to the Arboretum and a chance meeting with Ambassador Spock, who is commemorating the holiday of Tu b'Shevat, the Jewish New Year of Trees. The setting is post-"A Million Sherds" and "A Horn for All Your Songs." The title is from a poem by Yaacov Paley.

  • Cochrane Day

    Set thirty-five years into the future, in the post-Sherds universe. Thirty-five years before, Will and Jean-Luc had had the best damned wedding Starfleet had ever seen, on Cochrane Day. Thirty-five years later, Will takes one day at a time, navigating Jean-Luc's illness and fading memory, and his own sense of impending loss and depression. He owes it to Jean-Luc, after all.

  • Lights That the Stars Will See

    Sascha's first Chanukah is in memory of his namesake. Set in the post-Sherds universe. Dr Alasdair Gidon McBride (2315-2388) was the psychiatrist who treated William Riker for PTSD in A Million Sherds.

  • The Bright Unbroken Planet

    In Cochrane Day, which is set thirty-five years into the post-A Million Sherds universe, Will Riker and Jean-Luc discuss what Will refers to as The Incident, when Jean-Luc left him and their two young children. This is that incident. The title comes from the carpe diem poem "Jet," by Tony Hoagland.

  • It's Been Some Time

    Will Riker meets the new guy in Xenobiology.

  • The Tender Ghost: A Passover Story

    Follows Haman's Son. With their shipboard wedding set for Cochrane Day, Will and Jean-Luc find that they are not only trying to put Will's illness behind them but that they are also having to negotiate the boundaries of their personal and professional relationship. Add to that Will's continued interest in Judaism, Passover, an argument with Robert, and Mrs Troi's arrival.

  • Haman's Son

    Will Riker turns to Rabbi Lior Cardozo of stellar cartography to help him come to terms with his guilt over the path of destruction left by his father, Section 31 agent Kyle Riker. He begins lessons in Judaism, but the story of Esther and Haman in the Jewish holiday of Purim threatens to reignite his symptoms of PTSD. Follows chronologically The St Valentine's Day Massacre.