
  • Craters After Skyfall

    Two years since the final fall. Two long years, but now she was ready to take on the world.

  • Memories

    "Grandpa, Mama says you were at the battle of the burning plain. Is that true? What was it like? Did you fight the dragon?" his grandson's eyes lit up with the idea of heroics and dragons. The old man snorted "My child, do not elevate me to the level of heroes. I would not have lived if not for a strange man." One shot, may continue

  • There and Back Again, Via Dragon

    They had killed them all, leaving them as the only survivors. So they fled south, away to the warmer lands, away to a land of unrest. Deep in the heart of a mountain, a dragon stirs. Auish. Combining elements from both the books and films for both Hobbit and HTTYD

  • The Squirting

    The Stig must save the world from drowning in North Korean Cum. Can he do it? Will Kim Jong Un ever get that A ? Where's the Spanish Inquastion in all this? Crack, pure unadulterated crack. So cracky, Charlie Sheen would be all over this. M for MY VAGINA!