

  • Daisy, Serial Killer

    What if Myrtle wasn't the first mistress of Tom's that Daisy killed? Daisy has a hidden agenda that no one could ever guess, least of all Tom and Gatsby. Who has she killed, and who will she kill next?

  • Hans of the Southern Isles

    Hans, the vile villain of Frozen, was last seen being thrown into a prison bound for the Southern Isles. Why did he try to kill Elsa? Why didn't he love Anna? What will happen to him now? Will he ever find love? Will he ever find his own place? Who is he? Who will he become?

  • Before and After

    Before Rumbelle, Swanfire, SwanQueen, and CaptainSwan, there was Malcolm. "If you're looking for a story with a happily ever after, this isn't the place for it. My happily ever after doesn't exist. My story already ended, but you didn't even know it." How did he get to the point of becoming Peter Pan? Who is Rumplestilskin's mother?