Kestrel Lockhart

  • Destined Fate

    Four very different children, orphaned by a sad fate, in ten years destined to meet. Kestrel, a Paladin-Born Necromancer, Emerick, a Vampire Slayer, Ender, an Ender Wolf from a different realm and Silverkin, a thief, go on endless quests to find... 'Him'. Each chapter revolves around some kind of theme, usually, anyway... Rated T for later chapters! *Tweaked second chapter!*

  • Toontown Assassins

    What if there were Assassins and Spies in Toontown? What would happen? Who are their leaders? This fanfic is inspired by the Imperial books - Great reads, pick one up sometime! Rated M for Sadism that may disturb some readers. Contains murder, stabbing, hacking and slashing, killing and Assassiny stuff! Not written for the squeamish! Enter at your own risk!

  • AQ Males X Reader

    My first X Reader! Please give some advice! As usual, my chapters are rather short. Got a request for a paticular charrie? Tell me! I'll try my best! I won't stop until I've wrote a chapter or two for ALL the charries! Rated T for now, may change to M later... Teehee...

  • My Housemate Supertoon

    Hello, let me tell you a story, this is the story of two friends, Cuddles McFlipper And Supertoon T. Cat. Includes loads of our friends as guests and even a few others who we just see around Toontown or make up! Based on the script for a series that we will be doing when TTR comes out! :3