
  • The Story of My Life

    When someone leaves you, you're left to do justice. Not to get revenge. You're left to do justice to their story, their words, their meaning. You are left to tell their story. Writing constantly and always, because if you were part of it, you make it greater everyday. You keep them alive. Forever. Rated T for gore.

  • Savage

    A kingdom, ravaged and destroyed from within. A population without hope. All seemed lost for Lloyd Garmadon, the current reigning prince regent of Ninjago, their land and king stolen by a man who calls himself the Overlord. What they needed was miracle, one that may lie in the depths of the forest, but can Lloyd put all his trust in a fairytale? A legend that may not even be true?

  • Letters of the Aftermath

    Fear. Anger. Grief. Denial. Depression. Trauma. Lashing out. All these are side effects of loss. Death affects the living more than the dead. And the living grow apart because of it. He touched them all, but not everyone remembers his touch. Some prefer to disappear, some shut you out, others find a way to keep you away, but the ones who pick up the pieces, are the truly broken.

  • The Cover Up

    Let's get one thing straight before I begin, this may or may not be my story, but that's not stopping you from wanting to know.I can make one thing clear for you, this is a cover up. A scandal of the worse kind. An attempt to prevent people from finding the truth about a serious mistake or crime. The story I'm about to tell you is cloaked in lies and secrecy. Watch your back.