The Chibiest Finnian

  • The Dollmaker

    ((Birthday Present for friend and first YJ fanfic)) Wally requests a day off. Just one day. One day spent at the wrong place with the wrong person there. Just waiting...

  • Magic Trio or Golden Trio?

    Arthur's life sucks in France. He is abused by the only family he has left, and he's only allowed to speak French. That means no speaking at all, right? His 11th birthday is coming up, but that doesn't mean much, right?

  • The Children of Nations

    Me and my two friends thought we were normal children. Until our 12th birthday, that is... \

  • The Two Snipers

    So Riza Hawkeye walks into a bar- NO WAIT IT WAS A CAFÉ! And who does she happen to meet? A fellow blond haired brown eyes sniper. Newest chapter contains: Christmas, Nordics, and your imagination.

  • Role Reversal

    So, this is the whole FMA rewritten, but a 15 year old, blind Roy Mustang is the Main character. Didn't see that coming, did you?

  • Fairly Odd Countries

    Used to be named, "I actually have no idea what to call this." Anyway, America gains magical powers, so he, Iggy, and Oresama go to Dimmsdale... I don't know where this story is going to go, or when it's going to end. And HOLY FRUK AMERICA IS MENTALLY GROWING UP! IT'S THE APOCALYPSE! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN AND LOCK THE SAFE HOUSES! NOOOOOOOO! Rating may change later due to Oresama.

  • Hetalia Meme 2

    Awesome meme is awesome. I'm Shaurie, and this is my meme.

  • The Test! (dun dun duuuuuuun!)

    So, there's a test thing. These are some really weird pairings! Rated T-M

  • Takuya's a Skater Boy

    He was a boy. She was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?