
  • Through the Looking Glass

    LV/HP When Harry was little he used to wish that his twin brother was the chosen one. His brother used to wonder what it would be like to know the Dark Lord. Later Tarrant runs away to join Voldemort, who accepts him, thinking he is Harry... his mate. AU

  • In Places Deep, Where Dark Things Sleep

    [Thranduil/HP] Ten years later, and Harry wakes up in deep in the Mirkwood as the Elves begin their starlight festival. AU. Post-Hogwarts. Cross over. Master of Death!Harry. Language. The Hobbit spoilers. Soulmates. Terrible attempts at translating Elvish.

  • By The Enemies I Have

    Frostiron Month 02: Thor had been their friend. Loki had been their enemy. That was just the way it had been. Once. Now, things weren't so clear cut.

  • The Hollow

    Written for the 2014 Loki Month #4. Loki's relationships had always been tricky, dangerous things, but that's what Loki liked about them. They were like him. And anyway villains didn't get happy endings.

  • Lo There, Do I See

    Written for the 2014 Loki Month: #3. The only reason he had for going back to Asgard was that he owed it to her. Missing scene from The Dark World.

  • Hrímþursar

    Written for the 2014 Loki Month. It could have gone one of two ways, really. Finding out the truth of his heritage might have driven Loki insane in another life. But not in this life, in this life it just made him want to prove himself better than his so-called family instead.

  • Paradise Lost Chinese

    LMHP 20yearold Harry has a tough decision to make. When the new Minister is eviler than Voldemort, will Harry remain a saint in dark times, or will he follow the advice of John Milton and reign in Hell, rather than serve in Heaven? Dark Harry AU

  • First Kiss Italian

    Translated by valentina giacobazzi. LMDM Draco’s never been kissed before. When he’s arrested and sentenced to Azkaban until his execution, Draco offers his first kiss to his temporary cellmate. His first kiss is better given to anyone than a Dementor.

  • Proud

    DMHP When homosexuality was decriminalized in 1993 Vernon practically had a heart attack, but Harry was very happy about it. Even if Draco thinks he’s a bit of a twat for screaming ‘Im gay and proud’ at Platform 9 .

  • Wolf Cubs

    FenrirHarry friendship. Takes place within The Erlking my fiction . What if Harry and Fenrir knew each other but Harry couldnt remember? What would their meeting have been like?

  • Jakosta

    DM/HP;LP/HP After James died Lily had Harry to love The older Harry got the more he reminded her of James Harry knew what Lily does is wrong but he loved her & loving someone means having sex with them according to Lily. But he loved Draco without sex.

  • Little Red Hen

    FG/HP AU. Harry wants to dress up for Halloween, and Fenrir only agrees if the Big Bad Wolf is allowed to ravish ‘innocent Little Red’. Harry gets the wrong end of the stick, but Fenrir still gets what he wants.

  • The Red Strokes

    After rescuing Theo Nott from Voldemort, Harry has to let him stay at Grimmauld Place for the summer. Theo is happy to put his life in Harry’s hands, and his body in Harry’s bed. Theo loves him. Harry pretends to, while Theo pretends Harry isnt pretending

  • Lionheart

    [Loki/Tony] They spent twenty years avoiding the End, years spent together keeping the madness and the darkness at bay. But without the other his sanity like walls came crumbling down, his resistance like driftwood washed away, and with their end the End came. With it the armies of Helheimr rose, and Tony Stark waited with Loki's army to fight at the side of his King. Loki Month 6

  • Ties That Bind

    Written for the 2014 Loki Month. The Chinese have their red string theory, the Greeks the Moirai and they the Norns, but Loki secretly thought Queen Frigga was the best weaver of all. Perhaps that is why they tell little children that mother's know best?

  • Blurred Reflections

    [Sequel]After the events of last year Hermione Granger has been stripped of her Magical status leaving her a Muggle once again. After his brush with Death Salazar Riddle is back at Hogwarts with his consort. Things are still about to get interesting. HPDM

  • Muggle Inconvenience

    [DH] The Dursley’s abuse worsens The 7th years are forced to spend their school year at Smelting for a Muggle Studies course. Will Dudley tells everyone about Harrys home life will Harry be able to handle it considering his crush might think he’s a freak

  • Black Complication

    LMHP Fudge finds a clause in Sirius’ will. If Harry is to be Lord Black he has to marry a Black. Unfortunately, the choices are Bellatrix or Draco. But Harry is secretly married to Lucius! What lengths will Fudge go to look like he has control? AU Mpreg

  • Brothers in Arms III & IV

    YEAR 3 & 4 When Voldemort goes to kill James and Lily, Lucius and Severus accompany him. Why kill your enemy when you can have a friend raise him to covet you? What happens to the ‘Golden Boy’… now that he’s the bad guy? Can he be redeemed? Will he want

  • Beneath The Skin

    After meeting with Selkies, Harry wonders if there is something different about him. When he goes looking, and finds his answer, he realizes that he can never stay in the Wizarding World, as a human, because nothing can keep his kind from the sea