The Halfblood Raven

  • Twin-Speak

    There are two sets of twins at Hogwarts, the Patils and the Weasleys. Both sets were ditched by their dates for the Yule Ball. What happens if they get together? Very short bit of fluff that my muse demanded I write. ONESHOT

  • This Frozen Wasteland

    Vincent is cold and Blaise is tired of him complaining. Everything else snowballs from there. Crack!fic ONESHOT

  • Steel Mimosas

    Hermione and Draco have something to hide. They reveal it to the world at the Halloween Ball. How do their friends react? How does society react? Will they be able to make it work? 8th year, non epilogue compliant.

  • Sirius Irony

    Sirius Orion Black was born on November 10, 1959, making him a Scorpio. When Lily hears this, she can't help but laugh at the irony. ONESHOT

  • The Marauders Ride Again

    The Marauders were known for laughter and explosions, and you never saw one of them without the other three until Pettigrew betrayed them. What happens when they are all dead and find a similarly dead prankster?

  • Thou Art Crunchy

    Harry has a late night revelation on how to deal with his dragon. Crack!fic, inspired by Clell65619, slightly non canon compliant.

  • This Garden of Dreams

    A series of ten one-shots/drabbles centered around the Neville x Luna pairing. Done for the Diagon Alley II Forum Battleships challenge. COMPLETED.

  • A Harry Potter Collection of Fairy Tales

    This is a collection of Harry Potter oneshots/drabbles, written for the Diagon Alley II Fairy Tales Challenge. Summary and pairings/characters will change with each chapter posted. Chapter 1: Tonks is a good liar, but Remus always knows when she does. This isn't something she's used to, and when her cousin Sirius is added into the mix, who knows what will happen?

  • Bridge Over Troubled Waters

    At the Yule Ball, we are told that Ron and Hermione fought over her seeing Krum. Another couple fought that night too. What happens if Cedric is the one to comfort Hermione?

  • Not so Nearly Headless

    In Harry Potter's second year, Nearly Headless Nick was turned down from the Headless Hunt. The Hunt continues to tease Sir Nick, so the Bloody Baron takes matters into his own hands.

  • An Irish Protector

    Ron has abused Hermione. What happens when everyone's favorite Irishman gets involved? Seamione (Seamus/Hermione), mentions of Larry (Harry/Luna). Yes, there is Ron-bashing.