

  • Fred Weasley, the Nightmare Healer

    Fred came pretty close to death in the war, but he survived. Weeks later, George and Percy are still burdened by nightmares of Fred's death. What is Fred to do? One-shot.

  • The Icy Journey to the Heart

    For years, Anna and Elsa have been locked up in their castle, never allowed to go beyond the boundaries. But Elsa's coronation brings bad changes. Can Anna, Rapunzel, and Eugene save Arendelle? Most importantly, will Elsa be able to rule peacefully and reach out to others without her powers in the way? Rewrite of Frozen with Rapunzel in it.

  • Start Again with a Smile

    A broken and unhealthy George Weasley meets Fred, in a state where the lines between reality and hallucination are not so distinct. Fred helps him heal.

  • Weasleys' Finest Cures for Bad Days

    A collection of snapshots (moments) whenever a Weasley has a bad day, and what another Weasley does to help.

  • Death Isn't a Laughing Matter, Fred

    While George helps clean up Hogwarts, he discovers the Mirror of Erised and gets a chance to talk to Fred again, just for one last time...

  • Dreaming of the Ear-way to Heaven

    Post DH, but Fred has survived. (At the end.) In one of George's dreams, Fred tells him that they can chat through George's missing ear, but it may take getting used to for George, who still misses Fred way too much.