

  • Red Queen Week

    Red Queen Week on tumblr; a new prompt every day! Rated M for Days 5 & 6 (Originally posted on AO3 & tumblr)

  • Greeting Card

    "мама, what's a greeting card?" "What's a what?" Day 5 of Femslash Yuletide

  • Sledding

    "If you'd stop pouting, you might actually have fun, you know," "Mord'Sith do not POUT," she protested with a frown, "And I fail to see how parading about in this…this FROZEN WASTELAND could be fun," Day 4 of Femslash Yuletide

  • It Isn't About Love (But Maybe, Just Maybe, It Could Be)

    I'm not sure why I'm writing this or if you'll even read it but I have to. Even if it doesn't change anything, I need you to know how I feel so that, maybe, you'll understand. Merlin, I hope you understand. FEMSLASH: Fleurmione.

  • Chimney

    "You DO know it isn't possible, right?" Laura didn't bother to try and restrain the urge to roll her eyes. "Says the three hundred year old VAMPIRE." Day 3 of Femslash Yuletide

  • Holiday Traditions

    It won't be the first time she's skipped out on the Scooby Gang's festivities and she's sure it won't be the last; there's a reason, after all, for the (mostly) full bottle of Jack Daniels sitting in her room, her own little holiday tradition. Day 2 of Femslash Yuletide

  • Trimming The Tree

    "I HATE this tree." "The feeling appears to be mutual, dear." Day 1 of Femslash Yuletide