
  • It's Only You

    Steps to realize you are in love with your best friend according to Fred Weasley ii… 1. Denial 2. Denying the Denial 3. Realizing you are completely and utterly in love. James Sirius Potter and Alice Jean Longbottom's story form best friends to lovers. Includes the whole next generation. Spans from first year to graduation. Song that gave me the idea, Biggest Fan- Nick Jonas.

  • Our Story…Through Parenthood!

    Neville and Hannah are living happily above their flat with only one thing missing to complete their little family. What happens when Hannah receives news that will turn their world upside-down. The Longbottom's go through the joys and hardships of raising children while still leading a normal life after the war. Includes Weaseys, Potters, Scamander and Lupin. Sequel to Our Story.

  • We are a New Generation

    Of all the challenges in the world, in my opinion growing up would be the hardest, especially with famous parents. We are not the chosen ones, snake slayers, THE Weasley twins or the brightest of our age, We are a new generation... and this is our story. Featuring the Potters, Weasleys, Longbottoms, Scamanders, Malfoys and Lupins.

  • Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

    Gabrielle struggles to find someone who will like her for her not her appearance. Dennis struggles to find someone who cares for others and don't take looks as a top priority. It just so seems that the person you never thought of much will end up being the person you think of the most in the future. Dennis and Gabrielle because they are just too cute.

  • Back to Hogwarts…Past Hogwarts!

    What do you get when prankster, James Sirius Potter, goes to the ministry during his winter break and finds a shiny golden object? Chaos of course! Follow the Weasleys, Potters, Longbottoms, Scamander, Lupin and Malfoy as they meet their teenage parents, and have some fun of their own while learning about their parents' times. Complete.

  • Our Story

    Neville and Hannah have a chance meeting one cool, autumn day. Will this lead to something more or will they both be too afraid to tell eachother. Follow Nevannah on through their ups and downs as they go through their story, finding love and friendship in each other. From their first encounter to their wedding. photo credits to ml