

  • Oneshot: Sauron of Chaos

    What is the One Ring, if not an artefact of Chaos? All fall to its madness in the end except for the true embodiment of diabolical Chaos; its true owner. When even the Valar are tainted by its corrupting influence, what hope does the free world have? When only Death can resist its influence, what hope does the universe have? The Fourth and Last Age will be ruled by Sauron of Chaos.

  • Harry Potter: Cloaked Conspiracy

    Riddle, third dark lord of the century, has perished. Why, nobody knows, but it would seem that the Potters had a hand in it. Betrayed by their close friend - a wolf named Lupin - the Potter family none the less died. Imagine the surprise of headmaster Slughorn, ten years later, upon discovering that young Harry Potter was still alive! But where has he been in the past ten years?

  • Deus Ex: A Novel Approach

    A novelisation of the first Deus Ex game.