
  • To Kill a Copycat

    A copycat killer seems to be taking a keen interest in Sara's past. Will the CSI team catch up with the murderer before he catches up with her? T for abusive and dark themes.

  • Keeping Schtum

    "I'm gonna ask you again, nicely. And then the third time it's not gonna be very nice- for you." Mendez assaults Lorna. Rated M for rape and dark themes. On Hiatus.

  • Nestled

    A look at Sara's dark childhood over the years, through the eyes of her older brother. Rated T for abusive themes.

  • Hush, Little Baby

    "The very man who called her beautiful with inebriated breath was also the one to twist her purity into a deformed clutter of discarded clothes and a heavy, writhing touch." Trigger warning for insinuation of abuse.

  • Affliction

    The team don't find Sara in time after she is kidnapped by the Miniature Killer, and she dies in Nick's arms.