
  • Challenges for Authors

    Just some challenges. I would like to see if anyone can make a good fic out of these. Rules are in each challenge. And I hope that none are abandoned, as I like to read.

  • SOTD Sage of the Dead

    Full Summary Inside. At the end of SW4 the Shinobi Alliance lost. Kakashi, in a bid to save Naruto, transports the blonde to a new world. Rinnegan, Immortal, though emotionally fragile Naruto, also doesn't showcase his power. Harem. - On hiatus until I can get my eyes checked out, and most likely get glasses.

  • Naruto: Sanguine Falling

    Alone... That is how my life had been. Always alone. The time in my Genin Team, Cell Seven, was just as lonely. Kakashi-sensei would always teach only Sasuke. Sakura would cheer the Uchiha on. They would either ignore me, or belittle me. Now I am changed. I am the bearer of 'The Reaver.' - NaruSaku harem of four more. -I'm back and working on it now. Took awhile though.