

    Meet the Alternian Asexual Defense Squad. Watch as they rescue hapless seadwwellers from drones and fight over cake. (For Asexual Awareness Week 2014.)

  • Deus Ex Machina

    Sherlock has been dead for three years. John can't take it anymore. However, someone (with quite a penchant for cheating death) has a rather different idea in mind. S3 AU, kinda obviously. Wholock, Johnlock. Rated T for suicidal themes and violence.

  • The Nameless Scientist

    Outside, Carlos had a last name. He doesn't anymore, but he's not quite sure why. Cecilos. Autistic!Carlos and tentacle!Cecil, although neither is the focus of the story.

  • It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Sweep

    What do you do when you and 12 other players are trapped in a pocket universe as reality falls apart around you? Celebrate the winter holidays, of course. Unabashed, soon-to-be-jossed Christmas fic; will eventually contain Arasolfef, Calliope/Jade, Johndavekat, pale Equinep, pale Karezi and Rosemary.

  • Hamish

    Hamish William Holmes-Watson is normal by no one's standards. Kind of a sequel to Deus Ex Machina, but can be read without. Established Johnlock, parentlock.

  • Koschei

    The world's ending, and nobody on Earth can stop it. Sherlock tries to savor his last moments with John. ...The operative phrase being "on Earth," if you haven't already figured that out. Johnlock, 10/Master.

  • Branded Face

    Sherlock has a nightmare, and it hurts. But it's not hurting him. It's hurting John more, which is somehow so much worse. Johnlock.

  • Demons Run

    ...when a sociopath goes to war. He will force down his identity, his emotions, his humanity itself if necessary to reunite with those he lost. No matter what he has to do to make it happen. I'm so horrible at titles and summaries I had to steal a DW quote. Johnlock. First Khanlock! (In that they're the same person, not shipping them, not sure what to call that.) T for violence.

  • Side of the Demons

    When Sherlock (then called Khan) finally recovered the 72 cryopods, he discovered that something was missing. Three very important somethings, in fact. Colonel Graff is living on borrowed time. Sequel to Demons Run - read that first! Est. Johnlock, parentlock, kind of Khanlock.

  • Today's The Day

    Khan's been off on one of his missions for the past three weeks, and he's returning home today. Arthur's understandably excited. Kharthur, Khanthur, Khanarthur, whatever you want to call it. (That's Khan/Arthur Dent for those of you who don't know.)