Fraulein Lissy

  • An Ideal of Hope

    AU. When the Empire comes to Earth, it changes the lives of many and destroys every freedom that we had. But we will not give in. We will not give up. Even if one of us learns they are one of them and must leave the planet that we love, they still will maintain an ideal of hope. For that is the most important feeling, Hope. Rated T for warfare only.

  • How to Save a Life

    One Shot set during the Sequel to No Greater Love. Obi-Wan need to talk to Vader about something he's realized. Written for SWfanfan!

  • Never Simple, Never Easy

    Katherine Harris is a woman of secrets. She is the foster-daughter of the Ghost, basically is a doctor, and her past is absolutely impossible. On top of this, she protects American interests and her family during a brutal feud that History never recorded. Understandably, her life isn't the safest or the easiest.

  • A Jump into the Void

    Eventual AU. Jalisa Osderth is one of the very few women that are accepted into the Imperial Naval Academy in the year 18 (17 BBY). There is no standard for women, you either make it with the boys or you don't graduate. Even if she does make it, what happens then? (Eventual Extreme AU. Inter and Original Trilogy)