Poems inspired by prompts and fics from other authors. Chapter 1: Two sonnets regarding a postwar reunion from Charm Offensive by Abracadebra
A collection of individual poems, featuring characters associated with 221B Baker Street. Ch. 4.Hot and Cross: Lestrade regrets helping out with one of Holmes' schemes.
Written for the SSSWC. One hero in the cooler, two multitasking their way through several missions in one night, and a Colonel with a cunning plan…
Written for DeathThouShaltDie. The weather at Stalag 13 is typically horrible and getting more horrible by the minute, roll call lasts forever, and one Barracks 2 resident feels particularly sorry for himself.
Responses to challenge #394: A Hogan's Heroes Advent Calendar. Individual 100 word snippets. Chapter 1: Joy.
Responses to Hades' December Calendar of Awesomeness 2021 challenge. Chapter 1: Beneath the Stars.
Responses to Hades' awesome December challenge. 24/ Reluctance: final chapter, and a Happy New Year wished for all.
A variety of views of Mary Morstan and the events of the third series. Wishing MapleleafCameo a very happy birthday:-)
Sometimes a hat is more than just a hat. Particularly a feathered hat. For Nytd.
What happens to all the souls lost at sea, without the Flying Dutchman to guide them? A response to a Black Pearl Hallowe'en challenge.