
  • Phantom Rangers

    The world is slipping into Chaos as Ghosts begin to invade the Earth. In a last ditch effort to save it, the all powerful Clockwork has summoned 5 kids and bestowed upon the the powers of ancient spirits. Now, Danny, Danielle, Jake and his best friends Sam and Tucker, must tap into them to save the World from Domination by the Ghost Zone as The Phantom Rangers!

  • Legend of Sota: Book 1-Air

    Being the Avatar is hard. Being her little brother is just as hard. After finding a baby all alone in a blizzard, Korra has become a big sister. Her journey only gets more exciting as she and her new little brother travel the world trying to discover their destiny. New characters, same old story. Legend of Korra Book 1, rewritten with more characters and story to add to the fun!