
  • How they pass down

    Almost every digidestined group had someone who went before. Now, change that to every, but with some members hiding their knowledge. What group had whom from which other? Starting before adventure, and working on down. Maybe not in order. K because I'm really paranoid. More characters than said.

  • All in the Mind

    Wendy didn't understand why people thought relationships were held together by one thing. The thing that most often drove them apart. (Really just me speculating about culture, and pointing out one major thing I think is important, rated because I'm super paranoid. If you don't like it, all the more power to you.)

  • Plots for you

    Can't think of plots? I've got too many! And I have trouble getting them to work quite like they want. I'll try to post at least once a month, some are cross overs with shows you might never have heard of, (or might have, who knows,) and some are pured FMA(B). Both animes, and of someone gives me a link to the manga, some from there too. Ratings generaly around K, depending on you.

  • Home

    Something that I wrote for class, it's supposed to be readable by people who haven't even heard of digimon. Please don't flame, uh, slightly better summery inside?

  • Blue Time

    Rin finds himself spending an evening in the past. ... No, not memories, the actual past. I like to think it's kinda cute and funny, but if you think it's not, please say it politely, I have thin skin, but can take constructive criticism.

  • ScarringPyro's scar

    Pyro, Iroh's daughter by second wife, has always feared her uncles, Zhao and Ozai. And she had good reason to. Her body was almost a body suit of pink scars. Her face, with her "cursed" duel colored eyes, had bee one of the only parts left in marred. One day, years after it was healed with spirit water, she told the story to the next generation. A few cannon kids are mentioned.

  • In Spirit

    This is just a little bit of a feel good fic I wrote for my self. I figured that I might as well post it. It's about my OC, Airbender, and Aang, right after Aang finished talking to the previous airbending avatar in the spirit world, during his coma.