
  • Oblivion

    A post S2E3 oneshot. A shared moment outside Luigi's in which Gene unravels the mystery of Alex Drake.

  • The Way the World Ends

    When Alex discovers too much on a search for the truth in Keats' office, he offers her an ultimatum that makes her skin crawl. With her world disintegrating around her, the darkness closing in and hope fading, just how far is Alex prepared to go to save Gene Hunt?

  • True North

    She is ferocious will, an indomitable hurricane at once drained and surging, clutching his coat and scraping her nails against his skin and breaking his heart.

  • Dismantle : Repair

    Three years after the war, and a lot has changed. The Daily Prophet has lost its former glory and Severus has made a groundbreaking discovery. But when it draws him and Hermione together, they set off down a rocky road of attraction, love and loss. HG/SS.

  • The Choices We Made

    Hermione and Severus are faced with some decisions to make. Severus is given an ultimatum and Hermione is made to think about her rocky, empty relationship with Ron. But then Hermione becomes Severus' apprentice and he unkowingly starts to fall for her.