
  • Live Your Life

    Snape reconnects with old friends and makes new. Most importantly, he listens to them and eventually lives his life to the fullest. AU: Voldemort died on Halloween. James/Lily lived. Gifting October (The Houses Competition). Gifted to Amelia! Thanks Corrie and Sky for betaing!

  • Packing Shouldn't Take This Long

    PTSD, mentions of nightmares, mentions of canon violence. Ginny worried about returning to Hogwarts after such a traumatising first year. Thank you to Amelia for the beta. THC's Discord Back to Hogwarts Challenge. Oneshot, drabble.

  • Hospital Wing Christmas

    Due to a Quidditch accident Harry has to spend Christmas in the hospital wing, luckily Hermione and Ron stay behind to keep him company.

  • Life Will Go On

    Harry Potter Oneshots all written for the Quidditch League Competition. Team: Falmouth Falcons. Chapter One: AU! Hermione visits Krum at Durmstrang. Chapter Two: Draco's loyalties. Chapter Three: The Bones Family. Chapter Four: Lily and Alice Reflecting on Life. Chapter Five: Harry sees memories of his parents through time. Chapter Six: Arthur Weasley's muggle experience.

  • War Doesn't Destroy Your Dreams

    Ginny does her best to forget the past - you can't change it - and to focus on her future after the War.

  • Ginny was a headstrong, confident, and independent individual

    Ginny was a headstrong, confident, and independent individual. Until she was broken.

  • The Lonely Walk To The Whomping Willow

    A short drabble about Remus reflecting on his misfortune.

  • Harry Potter's Speech

    Harry returns to Hogwarts a few years after the war and does a speech to the students.