

  • That First Spark - Behind the Scenes

    A collection deleted or rewritten scenes, outtakes, brain storms, or cute little moments that were created during the writing of my massive Diablo fanfiction, That First Spark. Maybe some "author's commentary" to certain chapters or scenes later down the line, I don't know. Just a hopefully interesting peek behind the curtains, if you are interested! :)

  • That First Spark

    Somehow, Lyndon the Scoundrel always finds himself in the middle of the biggest mayhem, even after the End Days. As he struggles to find his path, he is dragged into an attack on the Realm of Hatred against his will. Yet, what he finds there may very well change his life, and entrust him with an unfamiliar role he must embrace for the good of all the world. (on Act III)

  • Hardly Perfect

    "Harry, Larry, Moe and Flo wobbled under him occasionally, he was starving, his vision swam from time to time, and basically everything hurt in his body. Hardly the image of the perfect superhero. But Doctor Otto Octavius could still make a change before the night was up" - One-shot

  • Blood Feud

    After his triumph over the Emperor, Aku sets out to discover this strange, unfamiliar world he got stuck on, while battling with his own memory loss at the same time. But when he stumbles upon a Norse city, he might found far more than he looked for. One-shot inspired by Ep. 10 "Jack and the Lava Monster". Rated T for mildly gory content. R&R please!

  • Days of War

    Earth was destined to drown into war. And, as much as it was hard to admit, Poseidon knew that the gods were responsible for this. Humanity is on the verge of extinction, and the Sea God tries to turn it around, only problem: his good will comes far too late. One of the gods is missing and without him, peace is impossible. One-shot. R&R Please!