Silent Searcher

  • In the Shade of the Drizzling Forest

    The trials and terror of the Kotori Obake are gone; dissolved with the menacing spirit. Shiori has moved into the museum along with the ever quiet Suga. A picture book illuminates the secret feelings harboured through childhood. Will they blossom now the friends are reunited?

  • Operation: AkuRoku

    What would you do to show the one you love how you feel? Axel would go to any length to show Roxas his feelings. A fact that his brother is swift to exploit. (AkuRoku) (Reno x Rude) (Hayner x Seifer)

  • Wonderland Ends With You

    Neku Sakuraba hates people. He secludes himself to avoid being dragged down. Inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the anti-social teen takes a leap down the "rabbit-hole" and into a world where friendship is a virtue.

  • The Many Revelations of Ronan Lynch

    Adam has known Ronan for a few years now. However he has found that he knows very little about the boy who is more 'Raven Boy' than Adam or the rest of his friends. Can he ever really understand the complex creature that is Ronan Lynch.

  • The Seven Days of Christmas

    Christmas is a time to rejoice and forgive - to celebrate and remember the joy of the world. This Christmas Joshua remembers these seasonal gifts and remembers what it is like to live. He just hopes he'll survive the torment that is Neku Sakuraba.

  • Mirrors

    Mirrors are repulsive things; made for the vain and ignorant. Kakashi can't take mirrors any longer. He can't take anything anymore. It's time he stopped being selfish. Set during the time-skip. **Rated M because I wanted to be safe.**

  • What the New Year Brings

    Joshua and the rest of the group head to the streets for New Years. As midnight draws near Joshua is shown that Neku Sakuraba really is a surprising character.

  • Sepparation

    As Roxas leaves the Organisation in search of answers, Axel tries to come to terms with his impossible life as a Nobody.

  • The Three Forms of Silence

    Richard Gansey may seem content with the world - appearances are deceiving. Inside he is wrought with longing; he needs some silence.

  • Thinking in the Thunder

    When it rains in The World That Never Was, Axel is restless. A frightened visitor leads to him pondering his non-existent heart. Can be considered as friendship or romance.

  • Memoirs of a Misguided Angel

    Joshua's thoughts on the Long Game and what followed. Poem-fic.

  • You Are Not Alone

    Neku's thoughts on Josh after The Long Game. Written as a poem. Rated T since I'm not sure.