

  • His Blood was the Battleground

    COHF SPOILERS! What if Sebastian didn't die when he was stabbed by Heosphoros? Years have passed, and so much had changed. Sebastian lives with Clary and Jace in their house in Alicante, and most of their friends are nearby. But Sebastian worries that the monster is still there, and he doesn't know how to control it. FULL SUMMARY INSIDE.

  • Afire Love

    Clary and Jace are an inseparable couple, but their devotion to one another will be tested by the many challenges that they must face. All characters are mundane, living in New York. FULL SUMMARY INSIDE. Sequel coming soon ;)

  • The Golden Soldier

    Clary and Jace are among many of the Shadowhunters preparing for war. Turning a Shadowhunter into a soldier was no easy feat, but now the troops are ready to fight. When Clary get's in trouble on the battlefield, Jace steps in. But this relationship is one simply not meant to be. How can they be together when the Mortal War is brewing? A collab by mja . awesome and aftertales