Violets and Lilies

  • Miss Kitty and the Boy

    I tweaked the beginning of another episode and took it from there. This time it's, 7.3 "Miss Kitty" 8 chapters, posting daily.

  • An Annoyingly Awesome Story

    Basically, the title says it all. :) Read to find out. Based on Luke 18:1-8. One shot.

  • The Tash Files

    From Creation until the Last Battle, Tash's demons prowl around the world, trying to bring as many souls as possible down to their Father Below, but sometimes they need a little advice straight from the bottom. A spinoff of Screwtape on the Pevensies, Screwtape on the Other Four, and Screwtape After the Train Wreck.

  • Kit's Day of Infamy

    What Dec. 7, 1941 might have been like for Kit and her friends. Happy 4th of July, everyone!

  • He Looked At Me Too

    "He stopped and looked at me," Bambi tells his mother, as the Great Prince walks toward the forest. Then she remembers a time when he looked at her too.

  • Silent Night

    On Christmas Eve, 1944, in the midst of the Second World War, Emily Bennett's father recalls the The Christmas Truce of 1914. In memory of everyone who died in the Great War and every war since. Rated T for safety because it's set during the First World War. A Christmas story.

  • Four Postwar Interviews

    Women were allowed to officially serve in the United States military for the first time during World War Two. Now that the war is over, Kit is just itching to know what they accomplished. When her hometown newspaper decides to feature an article about the newly established units, Kit finds herself with the task of interviewing a WAC, a WAVE, a WASP, and a SPECS.

  • Nothing Left But Oil

    A widow is facing a difficult future because she can't pay her dead husband's debt. Her sons will be enslaved and she will certainly die. Their is nothing left...nothing but a small jar of oil. Can Elisha help? Based on 2 Kings 4:1-7.

  • Susan, Do You Love Me?

    A year after a horrible train wreck takes the life of her family and closest friends, Susan finds herself on an African safari, but will she find more? Set after The Last Battle. For Easter.