
  • Mononoke: Modern inconveniences

    After the Edo Era, the Meiji Era sought to bring revolution and westernization to Japan. The supernatural was forcibly forgotten but the supernatural world hadn't truly disappeared. Neither had murder. And when the two come hand in hand, mononoke are sure to follow close behind. It's a good thing the medicine seller is still around to put them to rest.

  • Sailor Moon: Crystal Eclipse

    Nearly a millennium after the fall of Queen Galaxia and the Shadow Galaxy ("Sailor Moon: Shadows of the Eclipse"), Crystal Tokyo is thriving. But the Era of Peace turns upside down when a strange new force turns up, threatening the lives of the royal court and the peace of the world.

  • Noah's Bookman: Aftermath

    The final battle between the Noah and the Exorcists resonates through the world (see Noah's Bookman), both sides suffering massive damages and losses. But soon, as much history does, it is forgotten, woven into legends and tales no one quite believes. 5 years later, a mysterious historian calling himself Mr. Bookman surfaces in a small town in England. A new record begins again.

  • Star Eater

    The dust had finally settled after Bowser's last attempt at taking over. The kingdoms of Mushroom World would finally see some happiness as Daisy finally prepares for her perfect wedding. But peace is short lived in the World as an ancient being makes the planet its next target, swallowing Peach and Daisy's closest friends and threatening everyone's existence.