
  • The Rabbit in The Magician's Hat

    Let's just say that I'm going to leave the explanation of the title to a later chapter; this is probably not going to turn out how any of us expect. BBRae 'cause I can't resist, though it's gonna be slow paced. And this is all gonna follow chunks of the original Teen Titans storyline as possible, yet it's an AU. You're gonna wanna read this.

  • Just a Glimpse-

    I decided that we needed "the Incredibles" fanfiction with this pairing. Continues on after the movie ends. A little all over the place. I wrote this on a whim and only have a vague idea about where this is going. We're all going to be surprised. Check it out; you know you want to.

  • Raven's Secret

    Raven has a secret, and no, she can't tell you- Can't, or won't? You see, there's a reason she doesn't speak of it. No one knows. So why can't you? BBRae One-Shot (I don't own the Titans, just this idea thanks) Read and review! Enjoy!

  • The Feeling of Hopeless Uselessness

    Useless. That's all there is. I mean, I'm sitting here on this bench waiting for someone to come along in order to properly relay all this hopelessness to. Not hopelessness for her: my sister, April. Hopelessness for me, Brenna, because there's nothing I can do for her. (One-shot for right now, light Grenna- and I hate Kieran, so if I ever write more beware. Friendship or Romance)

  • Surviving Hope

    He'd never pegged her as the type to wear jewelry, the solitary bird. She'd seemed, to him at least, as modest as the monks who'd raised her. The odd assortment of books in her room may not attest to that, but he supposed that everyone had that one vice... He just never thought it would be this. One-Shot BBRae kinda weird Leave a review

  • Just a Dream

    It's three in the morning. I'm sitting in our loveseat, staring out of the window, waiting for her to come home. It didn't hit me in the face how much I needed her until the door slammed shut behind her and she was gone. I hear sirens in the distance. (One-shot, Bechloe)

  • Of Crooked and Lucky Things

    BB realizes that creepy should never be the word used to define a girl- especially a girl like Raven- and instead finds a better word to describe her. Crooked. In his defense, he doesn't think he has a death wish. BBRae- 'cuz I go down with this ship. X) Thank you if you do read and review; it's greatly appreciated.

  • Matching Beats

    "The bass was seriously painful to that space where her heart was supposed to be in her chest; each beat echoing around the cavity's walls louder than before. She could feel it, painfully screaming there inside her." In all honesty, I wrote this spur the moment in an attempt to get my creative juices flowing for another fic I'm writing. I'm going supernatural with this fic. Bechloe

  • This is How to Say I Love You

    Whoop! I think this is a better title. Basically drabbles or prompts I get, I'll post here. Some may be connected, but the overall picture will be all over the place. Going to be mostly Grenna, and I have a strong dislike for Kieran... so beware if he ever pops up. Rating may change from chapter to chapter. Most are rated T, but M to be safe- cuz there are a couple M's.

  • Drabbles

    Sometimes I get prompts, or write drabbles or something, and they don't quite go anywhere... so I thought they could go here. Some may be connected, some might not. Mostly Bechloe. Read it- if you dare.

  • Fire and Ice

    Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. She blocked it out. She doesn't understand the concept of shy. She always paid that respect back. Music is what connects them to each other, but the question is: Is that enough? Can music ever be enough? (Slight AU, going to be a love triangle here- let me know what you think about the final pairing. Rating may change- )

  • Holy Mother of God

    When Beca's dragged to an amusement park in Florida, she spots the most beautiful girl she's ever seen. She seats herself next to the girl in an effort to impress her. Maybe, just maybe, Beca can get the redhead's number before she dies of fright. Cheesiness ensues... (AU, Bechloe, One-Shot: Warning, Beca's never given a chance to be badass in this fic, Minor Fat Amy.)

  • I Can't Hear a Word You Say

    They say it's the little things that count. The little instances or mistakes, the littlest choices you make that have the biggest impact on our lives. Maybe on that day if I'd been paying attention, if I hadn't had my headphones on, if I'd actually paid interest in the people around me... maybe I'd have noticed you. Eventual Bechloe.