
  • I'm Gonna Start with my Name

    Luck Gandor didn't have many friends as a child. And the ones he did have were weird at best. Although that might have something to do with how he met them. Luck meets Claire and Firo.

  • Speechless

    "I love you, father," she whispered knowing them to be her last words. A drabble on how Chane lost her voice.

  • A Tale for Sisters

    A stranger arrives in the Emishi village and brings news about a long lost prince.

  • Empty Hands

    Monica's pregnancy and the birth of her child. "Monica regretted nothing. But she was afraid."

  • First Times

    She smiles at him and he smiles back, not for the first time not for the last. Short Clintasha one-shot written for Hunter-of-Aliens.

  • Soaked and Warm

    Rain pours and people get soaked. The best thing to do is probably get warm. Huey and Monica fluff. Read the light novels.

  • Ennis Understood

    Ennis learns to understand her feelings towards Firo.