

  • Truth or Dare - Ghost Hunt Style!

    What happens when the members of SPR give Naru a surprise visit at the office to play a little game? Will there be romance? Will there be disgusted people? Will there be ridiculousness? Rated T for romance, some suggestive content and possible mild language.

  • First Kiss

    (Takes place right after episode 26) The Host Club's dissolution is no more! Tamaki did not depart for France, and the Host Club has a little show to put on for the girls of the Academy. Will love blossom? Will yaoi occur at least once in my damn life of awesome animes? Rated T for mild coarse language and romance.

  • Falling to Pieces

    The sequel to 'Sunken' is finally out! When Mai has a happy surprise to tell Naru and the gang, they also have a secret to share with her. How will things turn out? Will Majin return for blood? Rated T for romance, sexual references, violence and mature themes.

  • What Sebastian Does At Night

    Have you ever wondered what Sebastian - the renowned demon butler of the Phantomhives - does at night, when no one can see or hear him? I know I have, so I decided to write about it! Rated M for language, sexual suggestiveness and other random crap like that.

  • December 15th, 1890

    It's Ciel's birthday and, for once, he's actually (not) celebrating. Will love blossom? Will teenage girls get the yaoi dream they always been waiting for? Rated M for sexual themes, mild language and violent scenes. EDIT: This was one of my 'fetus' stories. I promise my writing is hella better now.

  • Eternity is Painted in Gray

    WARNING: SEBACIEL. The world is painted in gray. Colourless, lifeless. But there was always one thing to cut through the darkness. That blazing, tantalizing, sweet and demonic scarlet. Rated M for sexuality.

  • His Master, Vanished

    Sebastian and Ciel go to yet another soiree at the Viscount Druitt's residence. What will take place? Will fangirls get yet ANOTHER yaoi dream? Rated M for coarse language, sexual suggestions and violence. (WOW, MY FIRST M-RATED FIC...)

  • If I Die Young

    Naru is leaving for England, and Mai doesn't know what to do. Will she confess? Will he accept? Will everything turn out okay, or will tragedy ensue the SPR team? Rated T for romance and violence.

  • Best Sellers: Conclusion

    The half-shot by iloveanimex is finally complete! After Naru decides to go back to Japan, will he meet Mai again? Does he learn what the right decision was? Rated T for mild coarse language and romance.

  • Haunt You Every Day

    Naru is attacked and sent to the hospital, alongside Mai. Will things turn out okay? Rated T for mild romance scenes...

  • Lost Evolution

    BEWARE: This is NOT a Fanfiction! It's a Creepypasta that would not upload to the site. I'm planning to get it up there, so if the story gets deleted in a week, look for it under the same title on Creepypasta Wiki. If you get disgusted easily or something like that, it would be wise not to read this. Also, If you're a Pokefan, this might pique your interest in the slightest...

  • This Song Is For Us

    A new spin on Superchick and Ghost Hunt! If you love rock music and NaruxMai action (that includes fighting), I urge you to read onward! Rated T for coarse language and romance.

  • The Great Escape

    This one's for you, demon alice! I (Cherami) apply for a new job at SPR. What'll happen, I wonder? We take my very first case at Misawa Hospital, but the case takes a turn for what seems to be the very worst. Rated T for violence, mild language and romance scenes.

  • One-Shot Collection!

    A series of one-shots that I have written myself! You guys deserved it - and yes, they are all rated T for three reasons: Blood, gore and violence, language and romance. No lemons guys. That is something I vowed to NEVER EVER DO. ALRIGHT! Hopefully somewhere between 5-10 chapters. Maybe even more...

  • Poke-Hunt

    A new twist on Ghost Hunt! When Mai stumbles upon the world of Pokemon, new adventures are bound to spring forth! Which Pokemon will Mai befriend first? Who will she meet? Rated T just in case... :D

  • The Legend of Modac Town

    Welcome to the World of Pokemon! This is the tale of three best friends who receive their very own Pokemon, and live out their lives as the trainers that have dreamed of being. Rated T for mild language and romance scenes - but that's later on.

  • Talk Nerdy To Me

    Mai has had it with Naru. After he pulls a stunt with her, (because Mai can't understand him,) she decides to get a little revenge. Rated T for crude humour, coarse language and sexual references.

  • Sunken

    Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made. But can Naru and Mai's relationship go that far when SPR gets a case in Canada? Will sparks fly? Will everyone make it out alive? Rated T for mild language, gore and romance.

  • Naru's Nightmare

    Naru has a pounding headache at the office when he finally succumbs to sleep. The pounding changes to screaming when he revisits a nightmare that has haunted him since youth. Rated T for very mild violence.

  • Mai's Nightmare

    Mai lights a candle in commemoration for her mother's death for every year since her passing. She remembers back to this haunting moment every year, wishing that someone could know a little bit more about her past. But who would listen? Mai's mother has been dead for 4 years.