
  • Ave Atque Vale

    The war has ended, and everyone is happy. Tessa and Jem's wedding is coming up. Tessa feels it is time for Jace to know his true heritage; about her part in the Herondale family, and Will and Jem. Post CoHF and CP2. One-shot.

  • Love is Stronger than Death

    Percy Jackson was killed in the Giant War, but the gods and demigods won the war. Annabeth, heartbroken, makes a rash decision of becoming a Hunter of Artemis. Now, one hundred years later, she comes upon a boy with messy dark hair, and familiar sea green eyes.

  • The Selection

    Crown Prince Will Herondale has to choose a wife through the clever plan set by his parents: The Selection. As he gets to know all the women chosen for The Selection, there is one particular girl that stands out: Tessa. As the Selection goes on, love blossoms for Will in many different ways. Then a secret is revealed. One that shakes the foundation of life for many people.