
  • Selective Hearing

    Hyper-sensitive hearing doesn't really help when you don't know what you're supposed to be listening to. Five times Athena missed Apollo's feelings, in a not necessarily linear order. Apollo/Athena (albeit one-sided on his part).

  • Accidental Confession

    Witnesses aren't the only ones to accidentally confess things in court. Fortunately, the worst thing to come out of this one was the Judge losing fifty bucks. Phoenix/Edgeworth.

  • Snowed In

    When Lloyd, Colette, and Zelos get stuck in a blizzard in the snowy wilds around Flanoir, they're forced to take refuge in an abandoned vacation home. Lloyd/Colette/Zelos, fluff.

  • 3 AM Runaways

    [Minor AU] After the battle with Van at the Absorption Gate, but before rumors of living God-Generals began surfacing, Guy finds an unexpected visitor on his front porch in the middle of the night. Brotherly fluff/hurt/comfort.

  • Companion

    After the battle at the Absorption Gate, Luke has hit an all-time low. But a man in a brown suit with a mysterious blue box gives him a chance to see things from a different perspective.

  • The Talk

    Guy gives Luke "The Talk." Neither of them are very happy about this, but all the same, it's a necessary evil. Brotherly fluff.

  • Accidental Baby Acquisition

    The God-Generals find a baby in their common area, and only one of them wants anything to do with it. Takes place about six months to a year pre-game.

  • Five Stages

    "There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go." Each of Luke's companions handles grieving him a little differently. [Post-game, prior to the after-credits stinger.]

  • Lessons Learned Too Late

    Five things Jade taught Luke, and one thing Luke taught Jade.

  • Ant-Lion Man Medic

    After getting a scorpion stuck in his boot, Asch finds himself at the mercy and care of the most unlikely individual.

  • Undesirable Number One

    Mohs appeals to those that don't want replicas populating Auldrant, and three of them—under his orders—decide to start their Auldrant-wide extermination with Luke. Darkfic.

  • Broken Pedestal

    Neku finds the Secret Reports, and reacts about as well as you would expect. The problem is, Hanekoma really wasn't lying about everything.

  • The Bullet in the Blood

    As much as he insists he doesn't, Neku still has some trust issues with Joshua after the Game. As far as Joshua is concerned, this is unwarranted, though perhaps for the best.

  • Promise

    While hanging out in Shibuya one night, Beat gets Neku to make a promise. Beat Neku, friendship.

  • I Think You Need a Doctor

    Three months after the space center trial, Apollo decides to introduce Athena to his favorite show. It's as much for her benefit as it is for his own, though not in the way either of them thought at first. [Apollo/Athena]

  • All the World's a Stage

    Sometimes when you put on a smile for the stage, you forget to take it off. And sometimes, if you wear it for too long, you need someone to help you remove it when the time comes. [Klavier and Athena, friendship.]

  • Worthy of Defense

    Phoenix was ready to throw in the towel after losing badge, ready to give up and admit the deed was done. Edgeworth, on the other hand, had other ideas. [Phoenix/Edgeworth]

  • Bet On an Orange Julius

    Apollo and Athena had counters just like everyone else—counters that ticked down until the day they met the person who would somehow end their lives. The problem is, their timers hit zero when they met each other. [Apollo/Athena]

  • Too Much Fun on the Job

    After the bombed courtroom is rebuilt, Apollo and Athena volunteer to help repaint it. Things don't quite go as planned. [Apollo/Athena]

  • Holding Out for a Hero

    While investigating a horse ranch, Apollo finds himself the victim of a kidnapping. Fortunately, his partner can always be counted on for a dashing rescue. [Apollo/Athena]