
  • Jigsaw

    They were collectively pieces in the end, the right size and shape for matters of business but somehow never could fit that right when jumbled all together. Collection of one-shots in the silently chaotic lives of the FACE family.

  • Red Looks Better On You Anyways

    Somewhere in the background, she can hear the faint sound of the piano music he falls asleep to each night. Claire de Lune. Piano Concerto No. 1 In D Major, Op. 17, Piano Sonata No. 8 In C Minor. If she moves the sound forward, she can hear his heartbeat muffled through the warmth of his sweatshirt. [ON HIATUS]

  • One More Time With Feeling

    Beauty was in the eye of beholder. Given the nature of their relationship, it was difficult to offer a perspective that the both of them would deem acceptable given the circumstances.

  • Collapses in Pink and Violence

    The concept of pretending was not foreign to her, as his need to keep her headspace clear of cobwebs from his own nightmares was primary to their mode of living. But in this place, that was gone. Here there be liars and wine stained ghosts. Human!FACE Family/ Fem!America

  • Shift

    Even with their combined thoughts and efforts, staying on the needlepoint proved to be more difficult than it appeared to be. More often than not, Eden seemed to be just out of reach. And after a while, time was wearing everyone to the bone. A fragment of stories for The Hellbound Trio and their chances for salvation.

  • Fireflies

    Sleeping was difficult enough, but to have a million lights flashing underneath every time she closed her eyes was truly the breaking point. 7,863 fireflies dropping dead at her feet and in the space of four years- well, 625,000 just seemed another group of numbers she had to bear. Civil War!/Fem!America FACE Family.

  • Cowardice: A Manual for the Red, White, and Blue

    Amelia has eighteen years of problems, and nearly half of those could be fixed if she was better at communicating. Revolutionary War!/Fem!America.

  • Lungs And Other Valuables

    Sometimes he feels like his heart is being constricted, and the rest of the world is looking at him like a specimen in a museum.