
  • Elite Corps among Squads

    Commander Jax and his squad mates have been on Kamino for the longest time, and were trained to be some of the best, with the knowledge of ultimate survival and loyalty beyond doubt. Under the leadership of Jedi Knight Allia, a pantoran, what adventures (and misadventures) will arrive?

  • Addictive how?

    My school has only talked about Minecraft since the beginning of the school year... and I finally snapped. I asked my friend Joe to introduce me to Minecraft in order to find out more about this Minecraft. [NOTE: This story is a funny story. I have no intentions to upset Minecraft fans from reading this story and it is only for humor. Please note that before posting a review.]

  • Elite Corps Among Squads: Grave Squad

    Marshal Commander Dunkel was the leader of the 66th Slaughter Corps. However, before that, he was a Major of a Republic Commando squad named Grave Squad, with members Doomed, Hope, and Citadel. The journey they went through before Grave Squad fell is told here. What happened to Grave Squad, and why is Dunkel now with 66th Slaughter Corps? This tale will tell.