Aki the Neko Bunny

  • Alone but not Forgotten

    Finally Madoka decides to confess to Ginga her feelings, but things don't go exactly as planned. While Kyoya stands around watching the whole scene go down he can't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

  • Ninth Grade Kills

    It's Mokuba's first day of high school and of course he's scared! He's walking right into a whirlwind of love, hate, friendship and betrayal. And why does Seto suspect Mokuba's hiding something? Rated T just to be safe.

  • Demon(Entry For Li-Chans contest)

    I shivered lightly, was it just a coincidence? Not that I believe in demons, angels, witches or vampires. Now ware wolves are a different story because Tsubasa's neighbor is one for sure. Anyways I stopped and looked into the thick mess of leafless trees. I squinted as a slim figure made its way into my vision. "A girl?"

  • Sohn Academy

    Hello and welcome to Sohn Academy. Sohn is specifically designed for Hybrids to live happily with other Hybrids and humans. Hybrids range anywhere from cats and dogs to angels and demons. "Sohn Academy? This place sounds too good to be true!" no more OCs!

  • Hunger Games MFB style

    Come, join us for the annual Huger Games! Come watch two members of each district fight for survival, make friends, enemies, and maybe even romance? Read to find out who will be victorious. I don't own MFB or the Hunger Games.

  • The Uke and Seme Quiz

    Come read as each character Takes the Uke and Seme quiz, some results might cause trouble.

  • Fragile Little Girl

    While on a supply run Daryl finds a little girl. He ends up taking her back to the prison. Throughout the days He and her create a close bond, but what happens when the girls "father" vows to take her? (Yeah, I'm no good at summaries.)

  • Questions

    Akunumkanon feels it's time to talk to his son about the future of taking the throne and eventually getting married, because after all what a pharaoh without a prince to take his place? But things don't go as planned, now its time for Akunumkanon to explain "things" to the young prince of Egypt.

  • Bullies and Hospital bills

    I noticed a mother and father standing with a doctor, I looked down; they were in tears over their daughter. 'I really do take things for granted, don't I' I asked myself. Things could be worse right now. I silently thank Tsubasa and push myself from the wall I had been leaning on, time to show Nile I do care. I love him… (Rated T just to be safe.)

  • Info on Stuff

    Just a couple thing on my updates ans up coming stories. Info on Sohn Academy and updates. Also vote on a story you like and the one with the most votes will be started ASAP.

  • Dynamis and Internet

    Dynamis learns about the internet, so he decides to check it out. But what happens when he and Madoka discover Fanfiction?