
  • Worth of a Night

    After finding her boyfriend Nick out with another woman, Victoria finds herself in a certain club where she meets a certain Penguin. Warnings: OC, PWP, pointless and shameless smut. Enjoy !

  • Mr and Mrs Hart

    He is a gentleman spy of the Kingsman Secret Service. She is a mercenary for hire. When these two get together things tend to get explosive. As they say, "All's fair in love and war. GalahadXOC; possible LancelotXOC WARNINGS: OC's, mature scenes, language, violence, and possible OOCness.

  • Facades

    She could act really well when she wanted to. If only she would have actually spoke her mind then she wouldn't be in this mess with Malfoy right now. Jeannie really hated rumors. GeorgeXOC This is a request. Warning: OOCness from Cho Chang and slight maturity.

  • Anger Issues

    She really couldn't stand the twins, especially during potions. . . GeorgeXOC This is a one shot request for NorthiePie.

  • Finite

    This is a one shot request for yahbrahchill on Quizilla. This is a Marcus Flint/OC one shot. No warnings.