
  • Just the Two of Us

    Lee and Lucy make the most of a a rare evening to themselves. M-rated for smut.

  • Nightmare

    Set around the time of series 5. A character from Lucy's past makes an unwelcome reappearance in her life.

  • What Next?

    After years of sexual tension Lee and Lucy have finally admitted their feelings for each other and spent the night together. How will they adapt to this significant change in their relationship? Set straight after 'Honesty is the Best Policy', but I decided to make it a separate story as it could be stand alone. This will probably only have 2 chapters.

  • Donor: an alternative ending

    A different take on what might have happened when Lucy asked Lee to have sex with her

  • Honesty is the Best Policy

    One-shot, an M-rated alternative ending to the episode therapy.

  • At Last

    Set after the episode Lucy, the couple spend their first night together. Rated M for next few chapters.

  • The Morning After

    Set after the episode 'Lucy'. This is a bit different from other stories I've written. The pair reflect on the events of last night and on their relationship. The first chapter is written from Lucy's point of view, the second from Lee's. I really enjoyed getting into the heads of the characters, and I hope you enjoy reading. Please review.

  • Happy New Year

    Pure, New Year fluff. Sorry to the person who reviewed, I had to delete the story and re-upload as it disappeared. Hope you enjoy x

  • Claustrophobia part 2

    An M-rated follow on from Claustrophobia part 1. Will have two chapters.

  • Claustrophobia - part 1

    Set during the series 3 episode 'Speech'. Lee and Lucy get stuck in the lift on their way back to the flat following the business meeting with the 'blackcurrant women', a situation which leads to confessions all round and a turn of events neither of them expected. Part two will be M-rated.

  • Anna - an alternative ending

    I was asked to write a story set in the episode, Anna. This is what I came up with. At a posh charity dinner, Lee, has got hopelessly drunk on free champagne. His behaviour during the evening has caused Lucy much embarrassment, but she finds herself unable to stay mad at him for very long. How will the evening end?

  • Secrets and Lies

    Tim and their parents suspect Lucy has a new man in her life, which she denies. They assume she is lying and so it must be someone unsuitable. Encouraged by his dad, Tim decides to spy on her. He discovers her secret and struggles to come to terms with it. A Lee/ Lucy fanfic with a bit of Tim/ Daisy thrown in.

  • Matters of the Heart

    Lee and Lucy grow closer together following a family crisis. Sorry it's a very short summary, but I'm new to this and don't want to give too much away. Warning, it gets a little suggestive towards the end. I have never written anything before but have been inspired by the other NGO fanfiction writers on here so decided to give it a go. I would appreciate feedback.