
  • Anarchy Road

    Philly Emmett, infamous punk rock star, must learn to act like good girl alias Jenny Tyler if she's going to keep her fame a secret from the small town Plainview and her biggest fan Rodrick Heffley. But, she finds she has more in common with Rodrick than she thinks. And the lies she must tell begin to hurt more than help. Philly must choose: Finally fit in or risk it all for love?

  • In For The Kill

    This is your truth—your salvation. This is not crap I'm feeding you. Honesty meant a lot to Toby Rogers. So did Ridley. Ridley was the kind of girl who thought insanity was only power. Growing up, they were each other's only friends. Though, when Toby becomes a Proxy, Ridley Marx is left completely alone. Now, Toby's new self can't help but feel like she means something. TobyXOc

  • Say Something

    Ok, facts about me? My name is Perry Ross. I am 16 years old and a sophomore. I am a dangerous, psychotic nut who's been in some-what of a jail. I am moving to Houston, Texas against my will. Sabrina, is having too much false hope about meeting the angel I once knew as Zig-sorry Ricky Tomlinson again. Only, I know for sure we all and him are long gone. Sequel to Living in Holes.

  • Bystander

    You wouldn't peg Kennedy Stone as the best friend of a soulless ginger. You wouldn't peg Gatlin as a crazy death trap either. A Bystander is a person not with the cult. She can't live as a Bystander anymore now that Isaac has killed her best friend, put her with Malachi, and put a knife in her hand. So, who's Penny? Has Malachi learned to love her? Can Kennedy get out of Gatlin?

  • Ain't No Rest For the WICKED

    "It seems Group C was a more or less a success. They believe we put them in the Maze for 'their own good'," explained Ava, tracing the pictures of the subjects, "But they think they are the ones in power. They think they decide the fate of the world." She smirked and looked directly at me. "Go get Subject 'Amelia', will you, Janson?" My daughter? My little girl? "Yes, of course."

  • Amnesia Girl

    Schizophrenia, acute paranoia, and short-term memory loss are not things you can just sweep aside. Not for Scarlet Angel Weathers. But this must be pushed aside when she's sent to Camp Green Lake for murder. To go with the fear, she also must dress as a boy to attract no attention. How can she remember to be a guy when the only thing separating her secret from D-Tent is a hat?

  • Compass & Rope

    Cadence didn't know she had a past life—a life that Pan was included in. She arrived in Neverland 20 minutes ago and she's already made an enemy, an ally, and agreed to sail the world with a boy she didn't know. Pan knows Cadence. She used to be Annabelle, the rogue, pretty captain of his ship. Cadence doesn't know Pan. He's only the cocky boy that stuffed her away in a fairytale.

  • Cheshire

    Paige was not the only sister. Georgia, daughter of Jefferson, strikes a deal with a familiar face and ends up at her birthplace. Wonderland. There the girl meets her friend for many decades to come. Georgia also finds someone buried inside her self that has been waiting to come out. When Ashley Boyd is killed years later, there is only one sure suspect. Georgia.

  • The Last Sister

    There lives a girl who knows about the Sanderson sisters. Her name is Audrey. Audrey Sanderson. Yes, there is another. Audrey has been protecting 16-year old Dani and been making sure the sisters can't return. Because they can. They can't die. Now, when her friend Pete lights the candle, she has to fight to save the lives of many. Maybe even sacrafice her own power and life.