
  • Counting Stars

    If someone had told Kagami Taiga that he'd fall in love with an silent, unnoticeable kindergarten teacher, he would've laughed in their face. Kagami Taiga/Kuroko Tetsuya. AU.

  • Denial

    He had a bad case of it. Sharrkan/Alibaba

  • To Understand

    Understanding your partner makes the relationship a lot easier. [Kagami Taiga X Kuroko Tetsuya]

  • Aftermath

    The hearts of the Weasley family were still heavy after the death of Fred. George X Reader

  • Loving A Werewolf

    It had been 15 years since I'd last seen Hogwarts, and many things have happened. My cousin had been thrown in prison, and the love of my life was a werewolf. Could things get anymore complicated? Remus/OC

  • Nightmare

    One day he hoped he could cure her nightmares. Ron X Hermione.

  • A Simple Spell

    To be brave means putting others before yourself. Severus/OC

  • A Marauder's Fairytale

    Two-shot. A lovely fairytale that involves our young Gryffindor finding his true love who just happens to be in Slytherin. Sirius/OC. Slight Severus/OC.

  • Appreciation

    She was always busy, it was always a pleasure when she had a moment to relax. Hermione/Ron

  • Change of Heart

    Living on the edge wasn't always the best way to live, and in all honesty, I'd be happy when this was all over. Severus Snape X Reader