
  • Killer

    They called me a killer, just for protecting a secret. Now I can only run, keep running, not knowing if the paw-steps behind me were them or the echoes of my own. (SugarClan Challenge)

  • Different

    We were as different as can be. He was prideful, arrogant, always the first to volunteer and the last to leave. I was quiet, timid, depending on others for my own problems. We never liked each other, him and I. But maybe I was wrong, maybe it was time to see him in a different light. (SugarClan Challenge)

  • One Today, One Tomorrow

    As he felt the impact and watched with narrowed eyes as his prey escaped, he sighed and decided to start over. One today, one tomorrow. There'd always be another chance. (SugarClan Challenge)

  • For You

    I've waited for you, I've stayed for you, I've strayed for you, and with each heartbeat passing, where are you? (SugarClan Challenge)

  • Running

    Running alone. It'd make him feel powerful. Free. Alive. (SugarClan Challenge)

  • Heartbeat of the Rain

    Leafpaw, even as a kit, never listened to others. She had her own ideas, her own beliefs… with a dream that someday other cats would truly notice she was there. Now befriending a tom from ShadowClan, how long will they be able to keep their secret over borders? And the hostility between ThunderClan and ShadowClan is also rising; will war break out in the end? (Silverclan challenge)

  • Featherpaw's Guide on How to Fly

    Featherpaw was a dreamer with a bunch of crazy questions, until one day, "Why can't SkyClan cats fly?" popped up. So now the clan is in thought, she is in wonder, and with her insane ideas, she wonders, can cats really fly? (Silverclan challenge)

  • Light

    A crash, an explosion, an array of gold and crimson. And we know, we're looking into the face of death. Drabble for BrightClan.

  • We Are MuffinClan

    A poem dedicated to MuffinClan, one of the best forums ever! MuffinClanners, try to find where I mentioned you too!

  • Shy Moon

    I say, look at me: a hollow structure; bones and wind seep through the ages of my life that's dyed away, of the drops I've cried today... Do you see what I see? (Challenge for LegendClan.)

  • Perfect Disasters

    She was cold, bitter, guided by revenge. He was fearless, daring, looking into the eyes of the demon and saying "let's be friends." But against what she thought and he knew, as two disasters collide, maybe somewhere amidst that, perfection would bloom. (GloomClan Challenge)

  • Meadow

    Beneath a vast cerulean sky, a meadow glistened like stars in the night. The sun smiled down, the wind ruffled the leaves, and the landscape rippled in a crisp breeze. Their eyes widened, reflecting each other's. (GloomClan Challenge)

  • Under the Rain

    You told me it wasn't real, it was only a flitting shadow, come and go. So I looked up at the rain and whispered back to you. (GloomClan Challenge)

  • Half My Tears

    I could feel the blood streaming down, the brutally torn half of my face. I knew some scars would last a lifetime. But instead I only smiled up at her. (GloomClan Challenge)

  • A Shadow Among Stars

    I see feel the blazing fire with its fiery claws tearing apart the coal-black trees. I feel the scorching flames digging into my flesh and ripping my very being apart. So near the end I could only wonder, if I disappear, will they miss me? Am I only a tiny shadow among a billion stars? (GloomClan Challenge)

  • Bolt's Correction of Starkit's Prophecy

    Yes, PikaBolt101 is here to correct and put her thoughts on the infamous Starkit's Prophecy. No bad grammar or accidental swearing will be in this version, but some of the original details and some humor/sarcasm might be included. If you want to burn your eyeballs, read it. If you don't, still read it.

  • The Random Waffle

    Random waffles suddenly appear in ThunderClan territory. What will Jayfeather do about it? (RainClan Challenge)

  • ᴇ ʟ s ᴇ w ʜ ᴇ ʀ ᴇ

    They were forgotten, but when Dawnpaw rediscovers the group of immortal cats and steps into their world, the real world shifts and she is trapped there. She must survive, and finds she isn't as alone as she thinks. With danger and lies around every corner, it seems that romance and friendship bloom at the most unexpected places. But when the journey ends, will she stay or leave?

  • Warriors Fanfiction Writing for Dummies (Guide)

    As simple as the title says. A guide for writing Warriors fanfics, and fanfics in general. For all of you who aren't sure about the concept or people who just wanna read it for fun… well, no one's stopping you. (Warning: May contain harsh words in cat language. PikaBolt101 is known for setting things on fire. Read at your own risk.)

  • Like Falling Rain

    Ever since she was a kit, Rainpaw's older sister Silverpaw has been the strong, beautiful, smart one. She's only her sister's shadow, and thinks she always will be. However, what happens when her sister starts struggling against pressure and romance, and Rainpaw journeys to find where she truly belongs, while the cat she ends up loving may be a curse and the biggest danger of all?