Thranduil's Bossy Elk

  • We're All Just Programs, But That's Okay

    John gets suspended for a couple days, and in his moodiness hurts Dorian's feelings. Dorian tells John he needs to be needed, that's what he's designed for, and John finally understands. Fluff, making out, schmoop, Jorian.

  • Next Time, I Pick The Music

    John and Dorian are driving back from the police station when their car is rammed off the road and they are taken prisoner. These people want something from Dorian and are willing to hurt John to get it. whump!John Kennex

  • Vamps

    Whumpy drabble, Dean has been held prisoner for days while vamps feed on him. hurt!Dean protective!Sam Just a lil 'ol whumpy drabble thing, I literally have dozens but this one is the most complete so here it is! If anyone wants to expand on this, or is looking for Spn whump prompts then talk to meeeeeee :D

  • Let Me

    Tag to the scene in "Meta Fiction" where Dean beats up Gadreel. Sam and Dean know there's something insurmountable between them, but it doesn't mean they don't still love each other.

  • Can't Swim

    John can't swim and a suspect pushes him off a boat. Fluff, whump, and Jorian! This is based on a prompt for #10th-man-down on Tumblr! **Chapter 1 is fluff, Chapter 2 is an angst/whump version of the same prompt.

  • Salted Caramel

    Alternate scene for what happened in that pantry at the day-spa. Let's just say that Sam really enjoys drugged-out Dean. Really. Established relationship Wincest.