Kiko Kei

  • Rings and Feathers

    "For the first time, I've found someone I hate leaving. I've found someone that I can't get enough of. I've found someone that accepts me for who I am and doesn't tell me I need to changeI found someone who I can fall madly in love with." A collection of drabbles for A New Beginning, mostly Character x Rio, maybe some Character x Character.

  • Not Very Quiet

    A group of friends go to a camp that they know inside and out. And, being the people they are, the friends plan to have some fun with some newcomers. Rated T for safety.

  • Merry Christmas, Sen-chan!

    I participated in Soccers Heart's Fanfiction Secret Santa and I got Sen Shion. So here's the beans about this story: Minobe Oshiana goes out with her boyfriend for a special Christmas celebration. OC x Shindou Takuto