Bella Mattina

  • Struck By You

    Neil is not shy to the club scene. He has been to the clubs before with Rod and Allen, and he seems to be "paralyzed" by Rio. This one-shot story is written to "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven. Rated T for cursing and I do not own the Harvest Moon characters, Natsume Inc. does! Please enjoy and review!

  • Saving Moonlight

    Anna and Gale have married and started a family together. Luna is their special and gifted daughter who, like her parents, knows magic. She is chosen by the Harvest King to be the helper and protector of Waffle Island. However, Luna is in much more trouble than she ever realized as the protector. The final story of the "Star Light, Star Bright" trilogy with co-writer ScipioPB

  • Fairy, Magic, Pixie Dust

    Peter Pan has gone missing and the last time anyone had saw him was when he was with Captain Hook. Tinkerbell is still jealous over Peter and Wendy's closeness and affection that the two had shared, even though Wendy has been back in London for several months. Can Tink find Peter in time before Hook does anything truly evil?

  • The Last Night

    Rod and Rachel are best friends and they tell each other everything. Well, almost everything... Rachel has hid a big secret and Rod happened to stumble upon it. This one-shot story is inspired by "The Last Night" by Skillet and is rated M for the topic of self harm. Please do not hate this fanfic but use it as an encouragement to help others. Just know that, you are never alone.