Lightning Ash

  • The Heavyweight Champion of the Streets

    It all started with a dog. Somehow, I ended up feeling guilt-ridden whenever I thought about one of my hated main shounen characters of all time after being reborn in the Tokyo Revengers world. Kill me again now, please. Please. From time leaping to reincarnation OP SI Slight bashing

  • From the Ends, to the Academy

    A South London boy is reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia. Given a depowered Quirk mutation, told he was better off not pursing the path of a hero, Kanizaki Ryuji says fuck that. He weren't there to be a background character. He was busting his ass off and climbing right up to the top through sheer force of will to stick it to the man.

  • Tokyo's Demon Gorilla

    A Bleach and Yakuza fan gets reincarnated into a merged world of the two. With no way back, he makes the most of his situation, living out his dream of being the strongest delinquent in Tokyo. SI.

  • The Walking Terminator of Hell


  • The World's Strongest Man

    Bummed to be left alone the ancestral son of the most powerful demon to ever grace the worlds sets off on a new journey, allowing his senses to lead him to quite possibly the looniest city ever. Now he has to whip out the imaginary belt to show these nut-cases just what a real man is before he loses his goddamned marbles. YusukexHarem.

  • A Library of Ideas

    Hey, ever think to yourself, 'Man. I can't think of an idea for a story, but I want to write one so badly' Then come on in to the Thugs Bunny store. He has a myriad of your anime needs from Naruto, to Bleach, to Ranma, to Ryoga, to fem Naruto and even the occasional Naruto/Bleach crossover, but of course I have them otherwise this wouldn't be in this section. Grab yourself a fic!

  • A Warrior in an Unknown Land

    What's a girl supposed to do when she finds herself on foreign soil? Why, get back home and fulfill her promises of course... somehow. Yusuke-like Inuyasha

  • The Lion King

    Sometimes a decisively dominant man usurping an apartment complex from a little old lady could be passed off as a good deed, but only when one takes into consideration the wild tigers that lied and waited in the dormitory that the owner had originally planned on passing off on a timid mouse. Oh! Then it became the good deed of the century! YusukexHarem