
  • The Never Was Zoo

    Instead of dinosaurs there are mythical creatures that thrive in the park. Toby and Sarah are two of many children who live inside the park taken in by the people who run it. They get whatever they want and the people don't make them do things they don't want to do. However when two mysterious guests enter the park for the first everything is shaken up.

  • I have an idea

    However I don't can write it. So would like someone to do so. Basically Charles as Jesus and Erik as Judas. Slash please.

  • The Return of Magneto

    Magneto supposedly died when Cyclopes shot him with his lasers. However 10 years later someone claiming to him is causing more trouble than ever before. Can Spidey solve this mystery before several lives are lost?


    Whoever kills this person is gonna be rich and famous. Note if any of you interested in writing a story surrounding this poster contact me by PM.

  • The tale of Maria Frollo

    Maria's adopted father Minster Frollo was mean and cruel to everyone or was he? Maria and her brother Joseph know that is not true. They also know he went insane over a girl and nearly killed alot of people. But Maria soon discovers the Headmaster Grimm might have played role her father's madness and demise. Author's note I am in the middle of changing this story up a bit.

  • The forbidden

    The Prince Erik of Genosha had been hoping for nothing but glory and power when he came to Westchester. And young Prince Charles had been nothing more than his key to getting there. But in days that passed he became much more than that.

  • The Old Days

    This is my first fanfic ever! I hope you like it. Terry McGinnis accidentally gets sent back in time into the days of the original Batman. But he is not alone for one of my favorite villains all of time Curare follows him. He must find Curare and get her and himself back to his own time. PS- This takes place after The Return of the Joker.

  • Hail Hydra

    One day one of the Titans find his true blood relative. But also the day he discovers a terrible organization bent on world domination.

  • Mermaid

    This is Little Mermaid version of Growing Pains the Batman episode. However it will ended sort of like the movie and original tale.

  • Lucy

    This is AU in which Batman is a girl and the her brother is none other than the Joker. But nobody knows either of those things until one night. Also she find out that her brother is not all what he seems.

  • The Diary of Scarlet Witch

    Before Scarlet Witch joined the Super Hero Squad she was with the Teen Titans. Find out how she came to be and what caused her to leave the Teen Titans join the Super Hero Squad. Just so you know this takes in AU so don't expect the events to be in order.