
  • The Ones That Comprise Tenses

    "I love you, Kate. Present tense." In which Kate has a wonderment about Kyra. One-shot; set early Season 5.

  • Colours

    "You are not turning our baby's room into your personal art experiment." The disagreement had to occur sometime. Caskett; one-shot.

  • Confessions

    "I can't have you showing up at crimes scenes in a Ferrari, Castle. With a big-breasted blonde. I'm not saying the image isn't just fascinating, but here's the thing—you're giving the Precinct a bad name." When Castle shows up with Jacinda at a crime scene for the second time, Kate kicks him out of the precinct. Takes place after 4x20 "The Limey". One-shot.

  • Past the Wall

    "'He pushed me off a roof much like this one,' she added, as if she had read where his thoughts lay. He suppressed another shudder. 'I hung on with one hand when I heard your voice.'" A universe where 4x23 "Always" didn't end the way it did. One-shot.

  • Meet

    "His seat-mate is the slip of a woman, all skinny and efficiency-sized." / An AU where Kate and Castle meet where they least expect. Immediately follows Johanna Beckett's death. Pre-series. Now complete.

  • Incidental

    "It did not make sense that they would be standing on the stoop of her apartment building—of all places—on a rainy Saturday evening and looking as if it were a perfectly normal occurrence." AU. Kate and Castle meet under different circumstances. Oneshot.

  • Onion Rings

    "Detective Beckett," the man announced, and she nearly jumped out of her skin, "just what do you think you're doing?" / Kate gets a craving that prompts her to be too impulsive. Caskett. One-shot.

  • Here

    "He pulls away from her because she deserves better." A semi-AU tag to 3x01 'The Calm' (and no, it's not about the kiss). Loosely based on 'For the First Time' by the Script. One-shot.

  • Peace by Piece

    "It was red." The journey of letting go and moving on takes her thirty-five years. Trigger warning for grief.

  • Perennial

    "Well, Katherine, you're looking at the newly minted Richard Castle." / AU; a story where Rick and Kate meet in college and go on the journey of their lives. High T for the mention of adult topics; multi-chapter. Now complete.

  • Spring

    "That was Ziva's child—there was no doubt about it. It was written into the curl of her hair, the curve of her lashes, and the slope of her nose." Two years after their last meeting, he goes back for her—only to discover something he never expected.

  • The Collective

    "But it's just a reminder that I … don't fully belong here." Kate, trying to come to terms with the Parisian blip in her and Castle's partnership. Post 5x15/16 "Target"/"Hunt". One-shot.

  • Teething

    "'She's teething,' he explains, slightly panicked. 'You know, announcing her way into the teenaged world. Marking herself as a woman.'" Castle has his first real experience with Alexis as a teenaged girl. One-shot. A fic encompassing familial relationships and spanning three generations.

  • Hero

    "'I wouldn't say that your words made me choose to become a cop,' she said, 'but they let something click into place that night—they showed me that there was something I could do to help find justice for victims and closure for families.'" After a conversation with Lanie, Kate levels with Rick on something. One-shot.

  • Pedestal

    "I put Richard Castle on a pedestal." In which Kate discusses with Lanie one of the reasons she finds it so hard to make the leap into a romantic relationship with Castle. Mid-Season 3; one-shot.