

  • To Hell and Back—Again

    Dean Winchester has spent too much time waiting in the hospital. / "Sammy, please—you gotta be okay. What do I do if you're not okay?"

  • Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught

    Klaroline: Caroline has belonged to God since the day she was born. She is head of the 'Christian Jewels' after school prayer group (yes, they meet for exactly sixty minutes every day). So why has she recently been missing prayer group and receiving smirks from the devil as they pass in the hallway? [Or the time Klaus and Caroline have sex in a church.]

  • Belle The Babysitter

    Rumbelle & Nelle (Mini-Neal & Belle! So much cuteness!): Haven't you heard? Belle is a natural with babies.

  • Just Strange Strangers

    Klaroline: With notorious murderer 'The Hybrid' on the loose who won't fall? Maybe not his newest blonde sidekick. Who is this Caroline, anyway?

  • The Sun Cannot Fall From The Sky

    Klefaroline: The story of Stefan and Klaus as dysfunctional roommates and their adventures. Things get magical very quickly. Elijah wets his pants, Rebekah does the brush dance, Caroline may or may not have tasered Klaus, and nothing in Stefan's schedule ever really goes to plan.

  • Don't Think, Don't Even Think

    Bellarke: something is killing everyone and it's surprisingly not Murphy.

  • sweetest tongue, sharpest teeth

    Klaroline & Mabekah & Kennett: Caroline moves to Transylvania where she meets her new best friends Rebekah and Kol, who are zombies, and their brother Klaus, a werewolf who confuses her with feelings she didn't know she could have (mostly extreme annoyance, but what love story is perfect?). AU.

  • no matter what story is told, our love will always hold

    Klaroline. Klaroline everywhere. / Drabbles, (More-Than-)One-Shots, KC AU week, etc.

  • cause I will never find another you

    Klaroline: "You're going to pull all your beautiful hair out if you keep doing that." The husky voice by her ear whispers and she tries not to shiver. "And then what would I have to run my hands through so very late at night?" Mate AU.

  • where you been?

    Klaroline: alternative season three meeting. Set 3x04. Yay.

  • see, our world is slowly dying

    Stydia & Olicity & Bellarke & Klaroline: The Maze Runner plot but with characters from Arrow, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural and The 100.

  • have you ever loved somebody?

    Margaery/Sansa & Amy/Rory & Linctavia & Stydia: a girl having her first proper kiss, an old man holding his wife's hand as she passes away, a teen parent losing her child, a man getting married. four different lives, one day.

  • Katherine puts the fun in funeral

    Jyler (BROtp) & Klaroline & Forwood-ish & Kalijah: Tyler is sad, Klaus and Caroline talk about sex, Jeremy kind of likes the handcuffs, and Katherine weasels her way into the centre of it all. Set 4x14.

  • Got A Real Good Feeling Something Bad About To Happen

    Klaroline & Sylaire & Olicity & Stydia: high school AU. The Petrelli, Mikaelson and Queen families fund St Maleficent's School For Gifted Children. Despite the name, the students are far from saints. / hogwarts 2.0

  • to thine own self be true

    Klaroline & Mabekah: Once upon a time two beautiful baby girls with sparkling blue eyes and glowing blonde hair were born into the land of Mystic Falls. A princess and a pauper. AU.

  • A Glow In The Kitchen

    Stydia: Stiles likes the girl with cherry lips' kisses, Derek just wants a perfect apple crumble and Scott eats a lot of pizza.

  • Clever Little Caroline

    Klaroline: What even, Universe? She doesn't need cranky Original drama over her dad drama and vampire drama and ever present Damon drama not to mention dead boyfriend drama. - human!Caroline. Season 3 au.

  • The Widow Weeps Silently, She Is Strong

    Tanfield: Where Sara wishes she wouldn't dwell but that's all she ends up doing.

  • as each day passes

    Stydia: Lydia dies. Stiles (literally) goes out of his (freaking) mind. BLAME SAKINA.

  • Two Girls And Their Monsters

    Klaroline & Rumbelle: The girls that always smile help each other find their way to the ones that will always hold their hand (and heart).