

  • I'm Fine

    The minute she walks out of his office, Kensi grabs her phone and calls Deeks. It's not like she can deny how much she needs him right now. "Kensi, where have you been? I'm at your door and I've been calling you for almost 20 minutes…" She starts crying then, happy that she at least made it to her car before she broke down. "I'm sick, Marty."

  • Cookies, Ice Cream and Good Times

    "Every girl's dream is to have a guy text her at 3 am just to say 'I'm outside your window with cookies and chocolate'." Somehow, the second the words leave her lips, Kensi knows she shouldn't have said that. - It's M for a reason

  • I Hate You But Just A Little Bit

    It doesn't matter that he smiles against her lips, knowing that he just won. None of that matters because, even though sometimes she hates him just a little bit, she loves him with all her heart, every single day. Kensi/Deeks Callen/Nell Kensi/Callen - friendship

  • Those are lies

    Hermione chooses her side but a dark and twisted secret can change everything that everyone knows about her. The summary sucks but please read the prologue and let me know what you think about it. HERMIONE/DRACO right after chapter 1