
  • Itakiss Naoki Style

    What would have happened if Naoki didn't outright refuse Kotoko's letter? What if something in her eyes captivated him? What could happen? Rated T for now, may change later.

  • The Real Dragon

    AU/OOC! Draco is given an order that he is only too happy to comply with. His best friend's mother goes missing so he is free as well. Now the question is, will their freedom actually mean anything? DM/HG, GiW/BZ, and HP/LL

  • True Friends

    Completely AU/OOC! Hermione is being bullied by everyone in her 1st year. Who is there to help her and befriend her. Will one of them come to mean more to her than just a friend? Read to find out!

  • Finally Where We Belong

    AU/OOC Hermione and Luna are unhappy with their current situation, and get offered the chance to change it all. SB/HG RL/LL JP/LE SS/OC PP/OC M in later chapters... Kinda slow start to get everything explained.